We customers have a lot of information and freedom to make a choice, but we luck the ability to process the information and filter out something what we wanted. On the other hand, firms also want to make a difference with other competitors by providing something what customs want to pay. This process is like a matching between customers and firms. This paper tried to use a matrix to catalog the data of the interaction result between customers and firms. This chart can help firms to find customs needs and provide it to them in advance.
As reading this article I have some thinking, examples, and questions, as shown below.
1. Firms want to meet and satisfy what custom need.
2. Comparing to traditional strategies, information-intensive strategies replaced one point trade-off between cost/volume by multi point curve fitting to provide the products. This is quite slimier to long tail theory, and we have more advantage to do this because of high speed computing power.
1. Yield Management: toy industry. This industry is short lifecycle, easy out of fashion; need to sell out in the end of years. It always has different price strategies to sell in different place and time.
2. Event-Oriented Prospecting: The dormitory of Berkeley doesn’t provide the cable line for access internet but it provides free internet service. But this will make inconvenient to our customers. If I am the guy charge this thing, I will provide a rent service of cable. Because I know the wireless line is hard to connect and not every one will carry cable with computer especial customers.
1. I think “price” are also a very valuable factor in the main idea of “convenience” beside “Time”.
2. If everyone has the ability to build this kind of CIF database, what is the next thing need to do in order to make different with your competitors?