Tsim Sha Tsui the hottest visit area in Hong Koung.
Our flight arrived Hong Koung on yesterday midnight. The public transportation was very convenient there. There was a "airport express" which connect airport and main stations of subway and can dirrectly transport passengers to downtown. The price of this ticket was not cheap but it was worthy (210 H.K. dollar for 4 people, eachone spend 225 N.T. dollar). It was very lucky that the location of our hotel (Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hotel) is nearby the Tsim Sha Tsui subwat station. So it is very for us to find it. However, we were too late to catch the subway at first night.
Our first visit sight in Tsim Sha Tsui was Hong Koung Meseum of Art. It held a special LV exhibition (Louis Vuiton: A Passion for Creation). They hung huge poster to decorate the surrounding of building wall with sexy LV patterns. This exhibition shows the history of LV and recently main design style of 村上隆. I thought this guy was very smart and lucky to get this kind of opportunity to cowork with LV. His design gave LV a whole new life and create a new sector of buyer with young age. Its was started from cherry pattern then extend to colorful LV pattern rather than yellow and brown color. He also created a very interesting cartoons contained young girl and LV panda. This cartoon made a change in my image of LV. Through this image video, one could find LV not only mantained its high quality inside but also shorten the distance between custom and brand. This would make more and more people to accept LV and feel confortable with this old brand. Below was the cartoon of LV.